Автор: mondaymorning | 30.11.2023 - 11:16


Вот и подходит к концу прекрасный сезон, наполненный теплом красок и творческой энергии 🧡 Пусть последний день осени подарит нам моменты вдумчивости и радости, чтобы встретить зиму с улыбкой на лице))


forest near body of water under blue sky

flat lay photography of purple and red leaves

white and blue ceramic mug

short-coated tan dog looking from roller shutter window

a coffee pot pouring coffee into a cup

brown bare tree near brown concrete building

silver framed eyeglasses on book page

filled coffee mug

brown rice on white ceramic plate

house beside lake

a person holding a spoon over a cup of tea

brown leaf in tilt shift lens

a stack of sweaters sitting on top of a wooden stool

dried leaves on wooden surface

black commuter bike parked beside brown concrete building during daytime

view of tree during daytime

chocolate cake on white ceramic plate

micro photography of leaves

water droplets on brown dried leaves

black cat looking at the window

cars parked on sidewalk during daytime

brown leaves

person wearing gray sock standing on stairs

road with falling leaves in between of trees

a bunch of leaves that are on a tree

a branch with red berries hanging from it

a book and a plate of food on a bed

a road with trees and grass on the side

brown and black plaid textile

a tea pot filled with tea next to a fire place

red textile near book on table

silver tabby cat lying on white and red textile

orange train between fall trees

a camera on a book

a dirt road in the middle of a field

a brown and white crocheted blanket with a leaf on it

a picture frame and some fruit

the leaves of a tree are changing colors

a glass of wine and a book on a window sill

a park with benches

a sidewalk with leaves on it

a close up of a cat laying on a couch





5 месяцев 2 недели назад

Красиво и иногда даже невыносимо красиво, как та дорога среди огромных деревьев 


5 месяцев 2 недели назад

Как красиво! Спящие котики - это отдельный вид мимишности.


5 месяцев 2 недели назад

Много красоты. Захотелось в дом на склоне холма на берегу озера, с двумя трубами)))


5 месяцев 2 недели назад

Спасибо за пост! Очень умиротворяюще. Поймала себя на мысли, что уже хочу новогодние выходные, длинные и ленивые)))

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